Eppendorf's eLabNext adds Modicus Prime to Digital Laboratory Marketplace
Modicus Prime is offering its self-service AI platform, mpVision, through eLabNext’s digital laboratory notebook. eLabNext, part of Eppendorf, enables laboratories to improve the efficiency of research by providing comprehensive lab information management software. The mpVision add-on has now launched in eLabNext’s Marketplace, which integrates directly with scientists’ digital laboratory notebooks on a global scale.
The numerous benefits of AI, including computer vision, to life science researchers was captured in a published SelectScience article with eLabNext’s leadership, Erwin Seinen and Zareh Zurabyan; ImmunoMind’s CEO, Vadim Nazarov; and Taylor Chartier, CEO of Modicus Prime. Additionally, Chartier participated as a panelist with industry experts from leading pharmaceuticals, including Bayer Pharmaceuticals, as part of eLabNext’s expansion to southern California. Modicus Prime continues to offer its computer vision software to eLabNext scientists as part of the company’s mission to accelerate research and process development in the life sciences.
About Modicus Prime
Modicus Prime’s computer vision software automates biologics image analysis and is designed to solve for the cost, legal, and waste liabilities from product quality failures across R&D and manufacturing. Modicus Prime is venture-backed and has strategic partnerships with organizations including Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (DOE), eLabNext (Eppendorf), Dotmatics, PlugandPlay Health, and Techstars. Our proprietary GxP-compliant software, mpVision, enables scientists to independently train their own AI to achieve real-time classification of any imaging data - from biologic morphology analysis to commercial contamination detection – for comprehensive quality control across R&D and manufacturing. mpVision has been globally tested by scientists at Takeda Pharmaceuticals, and its features are mapped to the unmet needs of the pharmaceutical industry, including real-time product quality assurance, full agency compliance, faster go-to-market, and reduced operating costs.
To learn more about Modicus Prime, please visit https://modicusprime.com.